
Departures 2.0

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” – Henry David Thoreau You may notice a few things are different around here. Let me start with a recap of what we’ve been up to and why you should care. When last we connected, we had…


Grow Your Dough Throwdown: The 2014 Results

Welcome back to our irregularly scheduled programming! We kicked off 2014 by participating in the Grow Your Dough Throwdown with the intention of learning about different styles of investing and demonstrating how simple investing can really be. The idea was for bloggers to grow $1000 over…


Travel Plans for 2015

Oh, the places we went in 2014: February – We took a road trip to Ottawa and enjoyed beaver tails and hot chocolate during Winterlude. It was freaking cold. The kid went tobogganing for the first time in what he thought was a boat.…


4 Ways to Save Money In 2015

With our daughter on her way, we have a tighter-than-usual budget this year. In order to meet our saving goals, there are two things we can do: spending less or make more. We haven’t figured out how to increase income, but we have figured out…


2015 Financial Outlook

It took three weeks, but we finally got around to sorting out  our budget and financial goals for 2015. Putting together our budget for the new year was difficult; not only are there going to be a few unknowns, we’re are going to be…