Project UrbanSimplify: February Challege - Clutter

Project UrbanSimplify February Challenge: Clutter

The Scenario I returned to Canada from boarding school with all of my belongings packed in two suitcases conforming to airline baggage restrictions. There wasn’t all that much that fit into two 50lb bags, but they held everything important that I wanted to keep.…


Calculating the Different Types of Investment Fees

To better explain the different types of fees associated with investing, let’s take a look at the costs to invest using an example. If a novice investor, like myself, was to take $1000 and invest it in the IA Clarington Focused Canadian Equity Class…


Excessive Consumerism: A Tale of One Too Many Scarves

I stumbled upon Sophie Kinsella’s Confessions of a Shopaholic when I was 17 years old and fell in love with the protagonist, Becky Bloomwood. The book follows Becky’s antics of shopping the sales around London and rationalizing her purchases by considering them necessities or…


Understanding Investment Fees

The investment landscape is littered with a minefield of fees and expenses that can be difficult to navigate for first time investors. The costs depend on the types of investments made and how they are purchased. The fees that apply to a specific fund…