Ottawa City Guide: Things to Do

City Guide: Ottawa in the Winter

When good friends of ours extended an invitation to spend a few days with them in our nation’s capital, we jumped at the opportunity to take a family trip. We arrived in Ottawa at midnight on Saturday and settled in for a good night…


5 Last Minute Frugal Valentine’s Day Ideas

Huh, Valentine’s day is today, isn’t it? In the nine (plus) years Daniel and I have been together, we have never celebrated Valentine’s Day together. It’s one of the few holidays I’m not enthusiastic for. Give me chocolates anytime of the year and I’ll…


A Rough Start to 2014 – Goals Review

Hello 2014. You have not been kind thus far (I’m not going to mention the cold, though I’d like you to know I am not pleased with it). What really bothers me, is that you, with all your promises of possibilities, came around on…