When good friends of ours extended an invitation to spend a few days with them in our nation’s capital, we jumped at the opportunity to take a family trip. We arrived in Ottawa at midnight on Saturday and settled in for a good night…
Huh, Valentine’s day is today, isn’t it? In the nine (plus) years Daniel and I have been together, we have never celebrated Valentine’s Day together. It’s one of the few holidays I’m not enthusiastic for. Give me chocolates anytime of the year and I’ll…
Management Expense Ratio Explained The management expense ratio (MER) is the cost of managing and operating a mutual fund. The MER, by definition, is the ratio between the sum of the management fee and operating expenses divided by the total value of assets held…
Hello 2014. You have not been kind thus far (I’m not going to mention the cold, though I’d like you to know I am not pleased with it). What really bothers me, is that you, with all your promises of possibilities, came around on…
Challenge Recap We kicked of the first month of Project UrbanSimplify with a challenge to establish a consistent wake up time of 7 AM. Now, I am not an early bird and waking up at 7AM was extremely difficult. The alarm would sound and…