The blogsphere has been lighting up over the last few weeks with the travel plans of various PF bloggers. Well Heeled Blog will be doing a whirlwind tour around Europe; Jordann at My Alternate Life is visiting England; Krystal of Give Me Back My…
Challenge Recap We started the second month of yearlong quest to simplify our lives with a game where Emily and I competed to rid ourselves of our excess stuff. The gist of the challenge was to get rid of n number of items for…
Another week, another weekend. Ours was busy, which seems to the the current theme of our lives right now. We had my best friend over for brunch yesterday morning and tricked her into babysitting while Daniel and I went to grab groceries for a…
The Scenario It’s a scene that repeats itself countless times: I stand in my overflowing closet and woefully conclude that there’s simply nothing to wear. The situation doesn’t get any better even after trying on a dozen outfits and to make matters worse, the…
When last we looked at the MER, we made a comparison of two different MER values where the rate of return, amount invested and period of time were assumed to be equal. This was to illustrate how the different MERs (low MER of 0.33%;…