Every year on February 2nd, people everywhere turn to their attention to a little groundhog in Pennsylvania to predict their winter fate. If the groundhog doesn’t see his shadow, it means that spring is just around the corner. If the groundhog sees his shadow, it means that there are 6 more weeks of winter.
This year, Punxsutawney Phil- the official groundhog- poked his head out of his hole and saw his shadow. Earlier this week, as if right on schedule, it was balmy 10oC (50F). Spring warm. The sun was shining and the snow was melting. We even took an early evening walk to celebrate the coming of Spring. Old man winter, however, would have none of it. The temperatures plunged to -17oC (1.4F) with a wind chill factor making it a biting -30oC (-22F). That’s the last time I trust a groundhog. No doubt it’s warmer wherever you are, so enjoy it! With that in mind, here are a few frugal things to do In the advent of this never-ending winter.