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A Quarter in Review

I started reading personal finance blogs while on maternity leave earlier this year; there wasn’t much to do while nursing a baby other than to read blogs on a handheld device. I devoured posts like a fat kid at a pie eating contest and would click on blogrolls to discover new material. I was fascinated with how people spend and managed their money, but the more I read personal finance blogs, the more I realized that I had a problem with them. Most of the ones I encountered fell into three categories: determined [to get out of debt] debtors, extreme savers, and savvy investors. I couldn’t relate.

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Handmade Holiday: Cranberry Coconut Christmas Granola

A winter storm’s on its way and it looks like we’ll finally be having a white Christmas! I’m off a little early today and thought I’d spend the afternoon making a huge batch of granola to give a way for Christmas. Who doesn’t love granola? It’s an healthy alternative and an unexpected gift from the usual boxes of Christmas chocolates and cookies.

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Handmade Holiday: Zipper Tree Christmas Ornament

Urban Departures Handmade Holiday Gift Series

A great way add meaning to Christmas presents is gifting handmade. Handmade gifts showcase the heart and talent and allows personal touches specific for the giftee (i.e. favourite colour, flavour, saying- the possibilities are endless!) Handmade gifts are also extremely cost effective. From now till Christmas, I will be sharing three holiday gift ideas that cost less than $10 to make. Continue Reading


Defence of Christmas Consumerism

Each Christmas, every other article and blog post complain about how commercialized Christmas has become, how it’s lost it’s true meaning beneath a mountain of gift wrap. Last year, my family of three celebrated our first Christmas together sleeping beneath the tree with lots and lots of presents. I celebrate Christmas for many reasons, one of which are the gifts. I mean really, who doesn’t love presents? I love presents!! Continue Reading


Is the US-Canada Price Gap Getting Smaller?

In the wake of Black Friday and with Christmas just around the corner, Canadian consumers are enjoying lower prices as a result of increasing competition within the retail landscape. The holiday season is in full swing and the sales that can’t be missed are emblazoned on every store front window. All the stores are jockeying for your hard earned money but even with the illusion of great savings, the cold hard truth sends a chill colder than -30 degrees Celsius: things are cheaper south of the border. Why are Canadians are paying more than Americans for exactly the same products?

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