Urban Departures chart the adventures and the lessons of our journey in personal finance. If you have a love for crunching numbers in spreadsheets and…travel(!), stick around— we’re nerds just like you. We are here to make money management easy for busy people juggling careers and families. We reside in the city with two young’uns, trying to live with purpose and have fun. If you don’t see us out-and-about on the town, it’s probably because we’re generally confined to our humble abode by the kids’ bedtime.
Emily | editor | creative director
Emily has more ideas in her head then she has time on her hands (her future self is actually working on a time machine to give herself more time for her ideas). An engineer by day and daydreamer by night, she aspires to bring beauty into the lives of everyone around her. She is currently on maternity leave with her second child and working to raise awareness of global maternal health issues with her side project The Mama Collective.
Daniel | writer | general shenanigans
Daniel has a passion for helping people with their finances and has a few hair-brained schemes of his own. He enjoys chasing around soccer balls, but since he’s never likely to go pro, he’s been making ends meet— alas, also as an engineer.